Derby Day at the Spring Carnival

It felt like I blinked and it was November. All of a sudden, it was the start of the Cup Carnival; Derby Day was upon us and with it, the most divine weather for a race day we’ve had in quite some time.

Sarah Kempson Derby DayOn the Myer Fashions on the Field Catwalk

Having been TERRIBLY disorganised this year, I was still deciding on an outfit the night before the event. Testing frocks twelve hours before you are due at the track is never a good idea, but the wonder that is my wardrobe spilt forth several options, with the final decision being the tried and tested Dion Lee for Cue number. With millinery provided by Morgan and Taylor and shoes by Sachi, I procured a clutch from Kmart and earrings for a pop of colour from Design Studio at Myer. I was ready to roll.

Sarah Kempson and Olivia NunnWith Olivia in the Myer Fashions on the Field VIP enclosure
(Olivia wears HarryWho with millinery by Adorn and shoes by Mollini)

It was great to be back on track with my Fashions on the Field VIP team – clearly something Olivia said here was hilarious (and I don’t think we’d had any champagne at this point either!) The weather didn’t disappoint, and neither did the calibre of the Fashions on the Field for 2013.

Myer Fashions on the Field winner Derby Day

The gorgeous winner, Ashley Albanese, made her dress from leather and only finished it at 5am! She will be on Oaks Day to vie for the title of Victorian champion and be in the running for a stack of amazing prizes, including a Luxus!

Sarah Kempson Olivia Nunn Emma Heaslip Derby DayWith Olivia and Emma – we make a great looking team!

Another fantastic race day is done – one down, three to go!


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