VAMFF Launches

Last night, in true Melbourne Fashion Festival style, VAMFF (or, Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival) launched.

Located at the impressive Docklands Studios, the launch was reminiscent of the ‘off schedule’ shows you only hear about in Paris and New York, hidden in cavernous warehouse spaces on the outskirts of the city.

Formal proceedings commenced with CEO Graeme Lewsey introducing the 2014 concept, followed by Chairperson Laura Anderson and Virgin Australia and Government representatives. And then the lights went down and a short, sharp fashion parade showcased our very best design talent on a dramatic runway.

Champagne flowed, cheeks were kissed and by 9pm, the fashion set was buzzing about the 2014 festival. Tickets are on sale now and are sure to sell out, with a stellar line up of not to be missed events.


PS If you’d like to volunteer at VAMFF, sign up now. I can tell you it’s an amazing experience you won’t soon forget, and if you nominate the Business Events as your choice, you’ll get to work with me!! Visit Event Gallery for all the details.



  1. Sarah Ta

    Can’t wait for the festival next year! I have already applied to volunteer for 2015. their applications close next week, i’m so excited!!!

    • Sarah Kempson (Author)

      It’s such a worthwhile endeavour if you want to get into the industry. Enjoy and good luck!

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