In case you missed the memo, just shy of 4 months ago I upped and left Melbourne. While my ASOS delivery details have changed, I haven’t updated my drivers licence yet so I’m still calling myself a Victorian – I just live somewhere much warmer now.
The whole ‘Beautiful one day, perfect the next’ Queensland catchphrase is pretty much true. In four months it’s rained twice and the sun has shone EVERY OTHER DAY. I’m actually kinda over it.
Magnetic Island from The Strand
All the Vitamin D has made me a much happier person (and even with litres of sunscreen, my skin has naturally darkened), plus I’ve been able to use all the bathers I’ve bought over the years and never wore in Melbourne.
Four months in Townsville has shown me that there are wonderful, friendly, amazing people all over our country. My biggest fears upon leaving Melbourne were A) where would I work, B) who would I have a glass of wine with, and C) I’d miss my family and friends too much. In no particular order of course.
I don’t actually work by the pool (you can’t see the screen!!) but this is enough to make anyone in Melbourne jealous
And you know what? My amazing team and clients in Melbourne said I could keep working with them. My family and friends booked plane tickets to come and visit. I’ve met a whole bunch of gorgeous, generous people here who are more than happy to drink wine with me. (They are also scarily enthusiastic about exercise dates, but that can’t be a bad thing!)
I joined a yoga studio, and started French lessons. I’ve tried a bunch of different restaurants, and discovered Melbourne-esque cafes and lanes that are a stones throw from delightful beaches and tropical islands. My husband and I have taken road trips three hours up the coast, and three hours down, exploring just a smidge of our gorgeous country. There really isn’t much to complain about!
Paronella Park, three hours north of Townsville
I still miss everyone at home, and it makes me sad to think of the occasions, birthdays, baby showers and general wonderfulness of Melbourne we are missing. But in the long run, it’s a pretty exciting (and scary!) thing to move states and start afresh, and more so when you are going to be doing a fair bit of it on your own. *One day* when I’m old and grey, I’ll be able to look back on this experience and be grateful that I had the opportunity.
And so to the more exciting happenings – the who, what, where, when and why of Townsville.
The epic smashed pea, feta and poached eggs at Betty Blue
Fave spots include Betty Blue, MJ Espresso, Seasoned, The Yacht Club and IMC Steakhouse.
Clever little businesses I like include Wahboo, The Secret Garden, Gluten Free Love and Rambutan.
Fabulous girls I’ve met include Bianca, Carly, Jess, Amanda, Pip, Kayla, Mich, Ellen, Caitlyn and Jocelyn, AND all their gorgeous families. Thank you for being wonderful!
Sunset on Hamilton Island, three hours south of Townsville
POSTSCRIPT: A special mention must be made to Rachel, whom I’ve known for 25 years (yes, eek!) and was pivotal in helping me settle in to Townsville. Without her to ease my anxieties and introduce us to the ‘cool’ places in Townsville, I’d certainly not be in as good a position as I am now. She can not, however, tell me where to buy weed.

What about me?! Don’t I get a mention???