Reverse Reviews at the Art Series Hotel

Hello. My name is Sarah and I’m a perfectionist.

Picture on a wall not straight? I’ll adjust it (even in your house). Items on your desk not lined up? I’ll fix that (I don’t care it’s not my office). Dirty mark on the table? Let me get out my handy handbag wipes and I’ll remove it (sorry, waiter).

Getting a call from the Art Series Hotel to participate in their Reverse Reviews program was like the mothership calling me home. The chance to be scored on my perfectionism? Hell yes!!


Here’s the deal. You go stay at The Cullen, The Blackman, The Olsen or any one of the Art Series Hotel signature boutique spots. You stay in the hotel as you normally would – sleep in their bed, use their towels, eat off their plates. But when you leave the dirty towels on the bed, or the plates next to the sink, or globs of toothpaste on the bathroom sink, they’ll be watching.

The hotel, and it’s staff, are getting their own back by scoring us in terms of our cleanliness, how polite we are to staff and the  general way in which we treat property that isn’t ours. The good bit? If you put in a bit of effort you can win a free night at one of the hotels, or upgrades and other benefits. It’s being rewarded for being a decent human being.

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Last night, the fiancé (hehe it’s still funny to write that!) and I stayed at The Cullen, on Commercial Road in Prahran. Our room was lovely – and the perfectionist in me silently willed the fiancé not to touch anything. But he moved the books, and checked out the snack bar and decided to take a shower (how dare he!!) while I followed around straightening everything in his wake.

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We watched some footy, headed to Gramercy bistro for dinner (which I might add, was DELICIOUS) and had an early night, namely because B was leaving at 4.30am. After his early morning departure, I fell back into a blissful sleep until 8am, when I awoke with a start, knowing it was now my time to make the room immaculate.

I dried floors and remade the bed, all the while knowing that the staff would strip the bed after my departure anyways. (I wondered if stripping the bed would step over a line. Are there rules about this??) I straightened the books and wiped the bench. I made sure there was no toothpaste to be seen in the sink.


And now I wait. It feels just like the days before I got my Year 12 ENTER score. I know what I’m hoping for, and what I think I’ll get. I know what I want. And the waiting feels like FOREVER. I’ll keep you updated, but in the interim, you have til May 31 to get reviewed yourself for the chance to win free nights. Get to it!
