Happy 2015!!! I know it’s only a week old, but I’m almost certain it’s going to be the best yet. Why? Because I’m (probably) going to get married. We haven’t picked a date yet, or even decided what we’ll do for our wedding, but at the end of 2014, my boyfriend became my fiancee. It’s possibly the most exciting, happy, wonderful time ever. And the past three years have been pretty exciting, happy and wonderful.

You might remember my little tale of love from a while back, over at Onya Magazine. I wrote about my sketchy dating history, and how meeting Prince Charming was everything I had always hoped. His proposal was just the same – romantic and unexpected. Charming, and perfect for us. Telling and retelling the story has been one of the highlights of my Christmas.


And then he sent me this picture and I’m reminded of how much and why I love him. It’s hilarious.

So now the fun of wedding planning commences! Already we have differing opinions on what type of wedding to have, how many people to invite and what the dress code should be – but I guess that’s all part of the fun isn’t it?

Tell me your favourite wedding shortcuts, tips and tricks – I’ve got lot’s of learning to do!


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